Harvestime Ministries UK

Where the Healing River is flowing!

The power of word's

The word's that I speak they are spirit and they are life.John 6:63.
God's word is creative force they carry things.
Word's produce the new birth.Word's created all things.
Word's are powerful.
The average person uses 16k words a day.
When God says words things happen.
The whole universe was created by God speaking words.Ps 33:6. Gen.1.
Just words, so words must be very very very powerful.
We were created in his image and likeness.
We are the only parts of God's creation that uses words.
Paul said I ought to speak boldly as I ought to speak.
There is a divine faith way to speak and get results.
Words are powerful and we need to understand them because your future depends on the words we speak.
Your words will shape your future a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things 
And an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil things.
Words have the ability to bring things into your life.
There are proper ways to speak in order to see the blessing in action.
Spirit law is set that you shall have whatever you say. Mk 11:23.
Regardless of what is happening in your life learn to speak onlyThe thing that you desire. 
Do not speak what you see presently speak only the thing that you desire based upon the word of God.
The  words that we speak must agree with what we believe.
It is time for all  in the church to grow up and start to eat steak. 
Instead of always feeding on the milk of the word.
Milk is something that has been through the digestive system of someone.
We have to discipline ourselves to learn and also speak the language of faith.
You can have faith in your heart but if you do not speak it you will still not get results. 
We have to believe and speak because that is the order God has set from the very beginning of time.
Learn to believe and speak.
Doubting is saying to God I don't trust you. 
Trust is discipline thinking.
Words are containers.
Gods words is always true.
Your words and your meditation is very important.
Thoughts are words that you don't say.
The spoken words are powerful.
When you have a negative thought against the word of God you must replace it with the word.
The spoken word affects matter God spoke before he acted.
His word is the creative power.
The 1977   for 46 year 38k miles per hr. Beyond the Atmosphere.
The Universe is still expanding by light years.
by how many light years we don't know.
He holds the Universe together and it's still expanding still growing the word is all powerful.
God's word is above all name.
Heaven ad earth shall pass away.Jesus always spoke before he acted.
He spoke to the fig tree
He spoke to the storm.
He spoke to the spirits.
If you want to grow get to the word.
Jesus taught that things respond to words.
We should be people of the word.
He spoke end results not present circumstances.
speak in faith calling the future into being.
Speak beyond where you are.Speak in faith beyond the present.
Abram   high father   25 years saying it.
Abraham  father of nations.
Words affect you words affect your atmosphere.
God does not live in time.
Words carry substance from invisible to visible.Get away from the what ifs.
From the invisible substance the worlds were created.
Your mouth will get you in trouble so lean not unto your own understanding 
Change your world with your word's learn the language of faith
 your word will change your world.
If you keep speaking the word of God it will change your situation.
The word of God when conceived in your heart will produce your healing miracle.
Remember to use the word you have to know  the word.
It's vital to grow in the knowledge of the word.
Learn to speak faith.
The word of God will overcome the negative things of this life.
Word's form your tongue will change your life.
The word is the seed so plant you want.
Talk about what you want not what you have
Death and life are in the power of your tongue.
When the church start to talk faith things will change for the better daily.