Harvestime Ministries UK

Where the Healing River is flowing!

The Outreach dept

Harvestime Ministries Outreach Department

Our Personality and Evangelism

More than anything else our personality is, the human component involved in effective evangelism. Personality is God’s unique characteristic wiring, and it is used to engage and interact with the world.

The moment we become a Christian, we become a unique witness of Christ, as unique as God made you and I. What qualifies us to be a witness of Christ Jesus is spending time with Christ. And ye shall be witnesses unto me (Acts 1:8

A witness is who you are, not what you do! Just think about that for a second… you are a witness and therefore you are a teller of your experiences. In the context of court proceedings, a good witness tells the truth and has credibility to back it up.

A good witness looks the judge in the eye when speaking and doesn’t look to the floor or around them.

A good witness speaks in a confident manner.

A good witness is a good listener to the questions they are asked, if the questions are not clear, they would ask for clarification before responding.

A good witness answers the question directly and stops talking when they have given their answer.

A good witness does not argue when questioned.

Most importantly if a good witness doesn’t know the answer to a question they say so, they don’t make things up.

When a person makes a conscious decision to follow Christ, it can happen in or outside of Christian influences. It can happen suddenly or gradually, as in Timothy’s case, where he grew up among his mother Eunice, and grandmother Lois (2 Timothy 1:5). 

Becoming a disciple is something people choose and accept, rather than something that just happens to them. It is a choice people make and we the witness of Christ, are there to give them that opportunity to make the right choice.

As we know the Holy Spirit leads and directs us, and the Spirit’s role will not be minimized. There is a God-given something in us that the Holy Spirit works upon, that enable us to be an effective witness, even without special training.

***To Win One Soul at a time***

Our main focus and commitment:

To meet up once per week on a Saturday to share our faith, using different methods of Evangelism. Remaining  steadfast with our main style, and to have a default style.We will hold each other accountable for effectively sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to the local   community, unsaved family members and strangers we meet along the way together. That we will be committed to the brand ** To Win One Soul **. Follow and take direction from the Holy Ghost regarding the Vision Statement for HTM, for the manifestation of growth for the Church.

Our Goals are:

To strengthen each other in prayer and fasting with Evangelism as the forefront Ministry

Participate in team work and role play, assisting in building on each others confidence and encouraging each other.

Bonding together in Unity, Love and Companionship so we effectively transform the lives of others, with the love of God.

For the Church to be a point of contact within our local community, to help and support  people from all different cultures and backgrounds, those in housing issues, relationship issues, those needing prayer, as well as giving sound biblical advice

To teach/proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ effectively with clarity and in faith

Visit and engage with the prospective converts weekly, to maintain a healthy relationships

To  welcome guests and show loving kindness

To spend time with people who don't regularly attend church.. using the syllabus F.O.R.M.


  • Once per month Luton & London join together and do group fellowship - Dates and times TBC

  • Saturdays Outreach time will be from 12pm - 3pm - times may vary from week to week

  • 1.5 hours In-House workshop; we engage with study of the Word,and topical subjects about Evangelism

Personal Evangelism

What is Personal Evangelism?

It is the attempt on the part of the child of God to share with another person from the Word of God:

  1. Their need as a lost and guilty sinner of a Saviour and God's salvation

  2. That Christ is the Saviour they need

  3. How to make Christ their own personal Saviour

  4. What it involves to acknowledge Christ as Lord of one's life

  5. How one’s questions and difficulties are answered in the Word of God

Why is personal Evangelism important?

  1. Scripture endorses it?

a) God desires it -  Ps 106:21; Isaiah 43.3; 45:12; 60.16. Same title in the New Testament: Luke 1:47; 1 Timothy 1:1; 4:10

b) Christ revealed it - through His own examples through personal conversations and through His teachings. Example; Woman at the well and Nicodemus - John 4 and John 3. The great commission where Christ commanded His disciples and revealed to them His passion for the souls of men - Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16.

c)The Early Church practiced it - Acts 3:1-2; 9:1-2

2.It is the believer's responsibility?

All believers are committed to the task of soul winning - Proverbs 24:11-12; 1 Cori 9:16-27 .James 5: 19-20.


3.What it means to win a Soul?

Military sense - To put your street, community, under siege to win a city calls for skill, patience, bravery, endurance. (2 Timothy 2:3)

Occupational sense - To take as soul in the workforce - in face of all kinds of conditions you still pursue, knowing their habits tea/coffee, knowing the bait, are they ready to hear, what you have to say, knowing what time they leave, social skills, knowing their spiritual thirst (John 4; 7:37)

Matrimonial sense - to win a bride - you would need to be affectionate, get her attention, compliment her, visit her, show compassion, go for walks, talk with her, send her presents, sacrifice your self interest to be with her, and then present her with the proposition of marriage. (1 Cor 13)

These examples shows us that it is more than just conversation, we need to be able to build relationships with the perspective convert.

        4.The Soul is Valuable and valued

The soul is the spiritual part of man (Ps 49:8; Mt 10:28).

Valuable because of its nature and origin; through his spirit he can become God conscious.

For more info please Contact Elder Precious Allen by email.