Harvestime Ministries UK

Where the Healing River is flowing!

                   Put the  Kingdom of God first

  • Put God's Kingdom first!
    Not the kingdoms of the world system
  • Not your self 
  • Not your family 
  • Not people, Not your career, Not money, Not your circumstances
  • Not your achievements

  • Not your position But God and his word! 
  • Darkness is the satanic authority that we must never bow to.

  • The strategy of light is the word promises of God. 
  • The strategy of Satan is the world system that is very very evil.

  • The strategy of darkness is to break your faith focus on the word of God.
    Daniel 6.Study.

  • Luke 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and all things shall be added unto you! God's kingdom is the real reality that we must deal with.

  • We must not allow ourselves to be distracted from his kingdom in us.
    God's kingdom was far more important to Daniel than all the splendors of his great position in Babylon.
    They told Daniel lawfully not to pray or he would be killed in a den of Lions.

  • They actually went through a lot to bring in a new law just so they could kill the man of God.
    However, the mindset of Daniel was the Kingdom of God first. Make sure your mindset is to obey God's word.

  • The enemy planned his death but God planned his deliverance.
    Daniel chose rather to die than not have fellowship with God daily.
    He chose to (pray and then die) by the mouth of hungry Lions than not have his daily prayer fellowship sessions 3 times a day with God.

  • Think on this; Daniel chose the word of God and commitment to God's Kingdom first above the power and grandeur of a pagan country.
    He chose God and prayer above the riches of the natural world system.
    Prayer was so important to Daniel that no threat of Satan could stop him from praying. 

  • Prayer must become so important to us that nothing in this world can stop us from spending time with God.
    Satan hates it when we Fellowship with the Lord God.
    The most important part of our life on Earth is our prayer life that is simply based by Faith on the word of God. 

  • Quite often most of us neglect our prayer life the way that God wants it to be; choosing rather the things of the world before prayer fellowship with God.
    It is in our time of prayer fellowship with God that we are restored, refreshed, by the presence of the Lord, most times not even realizing it, because it is a supernatural miraculous activity of the spiritual realms of God.

  • Daniel knew that what he saw and felt in the natural was not all there is.
    We must learn to do the same.What we see happening in the UK is not all there is. God has much more for us than we see in the natural.
    Jesus knew that the Roman occupation of Israel and Palestine in the days of King Herod was not all there was.

  • He knew that there were more important things going on in the spirit world and he learned by the spirit of God to rely on what his father showed him in the realms of the spirit and that is what he focused on; on a daily basis, this is the primary reason for the great success of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • True Prayer is supernatural activity;  we are tapping into kingdom power and authority when we are praying biblically.

  • Daniel knew that God and the angels were with him. So he consciously by faith entered the spirit realm of prayer daily to the delight of the Lord.
    God takes our prayer life extremely serious.

  • It is a great distraction to look only on the scene rather than the eternal word that cannot be broken or change.

  • Problems are temporary, but God's word liveth and abideth forever.
    Without any physical evidence, Daniel trusted God and his word;  and God stood by Daniel and vindicated him and by doing that, destroyed the enemies that came so wickedly against him.

  • We will be truly protected if we stay in the kingdom.
    Understand that the kingdom in you respond only when faith pressure being applied.

  • God in Daniel found a man that would totally put the kingdom of God as his main priority. He chose to obey God rather than evil people.
    We are now living in (an extremely wicked generation) and like Daniel, we have to choose how we will live.

  • The Just shall live by faith. Heb 10:38.This is the divine standard. It will never change. We walk by faith and not by sight.2 Cor 5:7.
    We have to learn to see the invisible. By faith. This is how Jesus lived on the earth daily as our example/pattern.

  • This was the secret of Jesus: he saw the invisible by faith.
    It is impossible to defeat anyone that walk and live by the faith of God in their heart.

  • Faith is omnipotent. 
    Moses destroyed King Pharaoh and his armies by seeing the invisible things of the kingdom of God; that was a reality even then by the seaside.
    (That same power) is in you all the time. Luke 10:19. 

  • All the information we get from the natural is not all the information there is. There is more.

  • You must learn to tap into your real realities, in the faith realm of God's word.
    God's word gives us eternal information that is 100% accurate and cannot ever be changed by anyone.

  • To change the word of God is to change God, and that is impossible,because God cannot change.

  • God's word is Kingdom authority. His word is always the highest authority.
  • The church must come out of its spiritual amnesia regarding the things of the 
  • Kingdom; the church has been in amnesia injected by Satan for generations.
    Make sure you are not a part of the harlot church.

  • Paul said: let us not sleep as do others. 
    Understand that those who are sleeping are living in darkness but those who live by the principles of God's kingdom are actually living in the light realms of God's word.

  • The Bible God's word tells us truly what belongs to us; in this world and the world to come;  all of this we have received via the Redemption that is in the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord and saviour. We have redemption. 

  • We have an (Eternal Redemption) and an (Eternal inheritance) in Christ Jesus. Heb 9.

  • There are two kinds of information;  inside information and outside information. 

  • God's word is inside information for man to live his life on earth in the miracle realm of God.
    Daniel Chose to live by the inside information of God's eternal word.