Harvestime Ministries UK

Where the Healing River is flowing!

Heart Faith

True worship is intimacy with God, it is a deep eternal blood covenant relationship acted on daily by faith.Stop trying to find God in the natural, because he is a Spirit.

Only your heart can worship God.

Only your heart can touch God

Only your heart can relate to God 

Only your heart knows God 

Only the heart can see God 

Only your heart can understand God 

Only your heart can have faith in God

Only your heart can fellowship God. 

Only your heart can produce after God's kind.

Only  heart can follow God.

Only the heart can walk by faith

Only the heart can survive any storms 

Only the heart can be sensitive to the holy Spirit.

Only the heart can keep the law of love

Only the heart can pray the prayer of faith.

Only the heart can truly trust God 

Only the heart of a man cannot die

Only the heart can be the candle of God 

Only the heart of man can be a true witness of the gospel of Christ.

Gods production centre for blessings is the heart of the true worshipper.

The only part of man that can trust God is his heart.

It is not possible for the natural man to walk by faith nor trust God.

God is the faith God living by faith in the heart of man.

The only part of man that is recreated in Christ is the heart of man. 

Only the heart faith worshipper can please God.