who you are in Christ
Blessed be the God, and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all Spiritual Blessings, in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.Eph.1:3.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels 2 Cor. 4:7.
Therefore if any man be [in Christ] he is [a new creation], old things are passed away, behold/ see all things have become new. 2 Cor. 5:17.
You are the Descendants of God Himself.Understanding your role in the kingdom is vital.The only safe people in this world are [those who are in Christ Jesus]. Rom 8.Being born again not of corruptible seed, but of the incorruptible. 1 Pet 1:23.
Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth. That we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures. Jam.1: 18. Rom 8: 1-17.
From the above scriptures, we learn that it was God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ that blessed and empowered us with every supernatural spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.
What this really means is that everything that God is; was poured out into us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Our connector back to God is the man Christ Jesus our saviour and Lord.
He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit 1 Cor. 6:17. When I first saw that scripture I could hardly believe my eyes as to what the Lord had done for us in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual things are more real than natural things because the spiritual created the natural. St John 1:1-4.
This is why God gave us spiritual eternal blessings in Christ, because he knew they were eternal and we are his sons in the realm of the spirit.
Who hath blessed us, with all spiritual blessings, in heavenly places in Christ. Eph.1:3
The already done Kingdom is within the hidden Man Of The Heart of the Believer.
The believer is a spirit that takes God at his word in all circumstances.
The problem is: we are still focusing on the things we see more than the things we do not see in the spirit world. But God who is a Spirit deals with us directly from the spirit world into our hidden man which is spirit.
Understanding these scriptures are the key to operating in Kingdom power and authority.
We are already blessed and no man or devil can do anything about it because, who God blessed no one can curse.
All blessings have been given to us in Christ. God did not leave any good thing out of the great Blessing inheritance of the believer. Jesus said: all power is given unto him Matt 28.We are his Joint-heirs Rom 8.
We are God’s supernatural people on the earth today. We are his people of power. Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy. Luke.10: 19.
There is a great need for you to understand that unlimited power is resident within you as a born again believer.
There is absolutely no limit to the power of the Lord who dwells in you right now. However, the power is controlled and operate by faith only. Thats in all circumstances.
I know in the inner man that God is on the move rising up a people of power a people that will stand against the powers of hell itself and win all the time. Jesus said:Upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matt 16.
We are sons, we are in the Kingdom we are what the Lord says we are not what man says. If you study the whole chapter with care and you will discover that, this blessing was planned by the Father before the world began Eph. 2:10.
It was planned in Christ Jesus. This is most remarkable to find out that God was thinking and planning our life before the world was made.
If we were not important to him why would he do this?? Yes it is very clear from the word of God that God planned to have a people in spite of the lies of the devil and hell itself.
Everything that the father has: was poured out into us in the new birth in Christ Jesus. Yes every thing.
There is no birth defects within the new birth because it is of the incorruptible seed word of God.
God hath given us all things that pertains to life and godliness 2 Pet. 1:1-4.
This is why Paul also said: that [The Christ in us], [is the hope of glory] Col 1:27. We are complete in him.
We know from our study of the word that spiritual blessings are far superior to natural blessings.
Every thing in the natural originates from the spiritual. So when God say he has given us all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, this is a great miracle.
Here we have the greatest news in the universe. Jesus is Lord and we are Joint heirs with him.
Jesus Christ is Lord. God now lives within man again. This is another proof of the great love the father has for the body of Christ.
God gave us all when he blessed us in Christ Jesus. This is why Paul said: ‘We are delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of his dear son, Col 1:13’.
Nothing that is good is left out of this, all that God is in within this great blessing. Let me tell you here and now that life is really about the blessing.
The Blessing is what the devil is mad about because God put it back on us when we were born again in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Being born again not of corruptible seed but of the incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. 1 Pet 1:23
The very God of Abraham has blessed us in his son Christ Jesus, the living and written word of God. This great Blessing is a forever Kingdom Blessing in Christ Jesus.
Satan cannot remove it from us. As a matter of fact, he is terrified of it. Resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7. Give no place to the devil Eph. 4:27.
Every Kingdom citizen has this great Blessing on the inside but we have to learn to speak daily in line with what we have on the inside. Because it is as we speak the word of God out, the Kingdom power in us will begin to be manifested in the daily routines of our lives on the earth.
We know that when God set out on a course he will not be deviated from it no matter what the cost to him. He said, ‘I am the Lord I change not’. So he made man in heaven in himself, first, and then put man in a body on the earth. Man is a part of God. Man came out of God. Gen. 1:26-28.
This is why the word teaches that we are complete in Christ Jesus, Col 2:10. Understand that God does not make anything incomplete, that is not in his nature. The bible teaches in Ecl that whatever God does, nothing can be added to it and also that the scriptures cannot be broken John 10:35.
If God says we are blessed with all spiritual blessings he is speaking spiritual unchanging reality.
We may not yet understand who we are just like a baby does not understand much for years. It is the same in the spirit. Now if you have a good parent, Pastor Mentor to teach you what you need to know, about whom you are.
You will grow in the things of God much faster than those who don’t have the right mentors. Mentors can only teach as far as they know so we have to be careful who we allow to mentor us in the body of Christ.