Harvestime Ministries UK

Where the Healing River is flowing!

Blessing Confessions

The Blessing

The blessing is the sin remover and I have the blessing forever. I am blessed forever with every spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus My Lord.

The blessing is Jesus Christ the son of God and I have Jesus in my heart therefore I have the blessing.

The blessing is the sickness remover the disease remover and I have the blessing therefore by his stripes I am healed in the name of Jesus.

The blessing is the prosperity producer and I have the blessing therefore I am a prosperous person because I have the blessing on me in the name of Jesus.

The blessing is the debt remover the Lack remover the poverty remover and I have the blessing in the name of Jesus Christ.

The blessing is creative the blessing is in me therefore creative power is in me in the power of the blessing.

The blessing is the Miracle worker and the blessing lives in me therefore I can do miracles signs and wonders because I live in the authority of the blessing.

In the blessing I am Blessed going out and blessed coming in the blessing no weapon formed against me shall prosper in the name of Jesus.

In the blessing I am delivered from the power of Darkness.

In the blessing I am translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus.

In the blessing Jesus is my wisdom righteousness sanctification and Redemption. I am in the blessing and the blessing is in me.I have inherited the blessing.

The blessing is my success therefore I cannot fail because the blessing will never leave me nor forsake me in the name of Jesus.

The blessing is the umbrella over my life over my house over the ministry in Jesus mighty name.

No evil shall befall me nor shall any plague come near my dwelling because the blessing is my keeper and shield forever.

By the blood of the blessing which is the blood of Jesus I overcome Satan and all his wickedness in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

By the power of the blood of the blessing no Corona virus have any ability against me in the name of Jesus.

No power can defeat me because the highest power in the Earth is the power of the blessing over death over hell over the Grave in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the blessing I am redeemed in the blessing I am free forever more.

I'm standing fast in the liberty which is in Christ Jesus because there's no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the senses but after the Spir

No satanic virus have any power over us because we are the body of Christ we have supernatural divine protection against every evil virus in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is written evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate forever.

The blessing of the Lord maketh me rich and addeth no sorrow.

Death is not my portion sickness is not my portion lack is not my portion I am a kingdom of God citizen.

There is no weakness in the blessing of Jesus Christ. Therefore I am strong in the power of the blessing.

I have Christ in me the hope of glory.

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world system.

As Jesus is so am I in this world.

No weapon formed against me shall never prosper, because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.

The blessing is on me. This is forever.

I am 10 times wiser than the natural man because the greater one is living inside of me.

God himself is in me forever.

Resurrection power is in me. Resurrection life is in me in the name of Jesus Christ. I live daily by the faith of Christ in me.

I persecute every sickness and disease out of the human body I operate by faith in the authority of Jesus Christ whom I represent on the Earth.

I am the representative of Jesus Christ of Nazareth his authority is given to me.

It is his authority in me therefore no weapon formed against me shall never prosper.

In the power of the Blessing we are the very sons of the almighty God himself. 1 John 3:2.ref..